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What is EMC?


EMC is an indication of grain moisture content calculated using temperature, relative humidity and grain type. It is not a direct measurement of grain moisture content, but rather an indication of moisture content based on the humidity of the air surrounding the grain. Since relative humidity is dependent on temperature, it too must be taken into account. EMC is also specific to grain type and will be different for each crop given the same temperature and relative humidity.

It's easy to see how it applies to grain conditioning. By controlling or limiting the EMC of the air entering bin the most efficient fan operation can be achieved. For example, if the moisture content of the grain in the bin was 16%, it would be ineffective or even detrimental to operate the aeration fans when the ambient EMC was 16% or above. Similarly, preventing fans from running when conditions are too dry can result in improved grain quality and energy efficiency as well. Furthermore, by comparing the EMC of the air entering and exiting the bin we can determine whether moisture is being removed or added to the bin and even calculate the approximate the moisture content of the grain.

An excellent resource for learning more about EMC and how it relates to grain conditioning is 'Natural Air/Low Temperature Crop Drying' written by Dr. Kenneth J. Hellevang, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, NDSU.

The GRAINSIGHT system gives the user complete control over when fans and heaters operate based on temperature, EMC or both in order to most efficiently and accurately realize their grain conditioning goals.

Combining this level of control with the ability to continuously monitor conditions from anywhere in the world makes GRAINSIGHT a very powerful management tool to help producers maximize profits.